Welcome to RiTA 2024!

The 12th International Conference on Robot Intelligence Technology and Applications (RiTA 2024) will be held at Ulsan National Institute of Science & Technology (UNIST), Ulsan, Korea, from December 4th to 7th, 2024. This Conference is organized by the Robot Intelligence Technology and Applications (RiTA) Association, a non-profit organization established to foster community solidarity among roboticists in 2021, even though RiTA was initially initiated by KAIST in 2012.
Today, AI’s capabilities exceed human limitations. As AI generates texts, images, and videos, the boundaries between virtual reality and the physical world are vague. We are entering a new era in which AI agents can act on our behalf. With this trend of strengthening AI agent systems, our conference theme is “Generative Thinking, Generative Action,” aiming to facilitate in-depth discussions in the field of robot intelligence technology. We seek the latest research results, theories, or experimental developments, which will feature a high quality conference.

Hae-Won Park, General Chair

Hyondong Oh, General Chair

Plenary & Invited Speakers

Call for Papers

We seek the latest research results, theories, or experimental developments, which will feature a high quality conference. The topics of interest are listed below but not limited to the following technical areas.

Important Dates
Aug 10 Deadline of Special Session Proposals
Sep 3 –> Sep 16 Deadline of Paper Submission
Oct 15 Notification of Acceptance
Oct 31 Final Manuscript Submission due/ Early bird Registration due

Conference Topics
• Machine learning
• Artificial intelligence
• Decision making
• Reasoning and inference
• Perception
• Navigation and SLAM
• Dynamics and control
• Human-robot interaction
• Manipulation
• Swarm and multi-robot systems
• Optimization in robotics
• HW/SW for robot computing
• Sensors Technology

Call for Papers

ULSAN Metropolitan City

Organized by

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